This is a collection of resources I have gathered over the years. Some things are written by me, but most are not. I make no claims of authorship or ownership. Also, I give complete permission for someone to take and modify the things I did write. I just ask that you also don't claim ownership if you use my stuff.
NOTE: Some requirements-related items may be out-dated. Always check the latest requirements.
- Campfire Program Content
- Scout Jokes - A list of short one-liners and fillers suitable for use in a campfire program.
- Scout Skits - 60 pages of skits. Definitely worth grabbing this one.
- Scout Songs - Approx. 25 songs that I use to start my meetings. I do that because the songs are fun and silly and also to have us prepared if we're ever asked to lead a song at a campfire program.
- Camping
- Camp Cooking - Recipes. No claim on how good/bad they are.
- Camp Cooking - Dessert Recipes - Recipes. No claim on how good/bad they are.
- Camp Cooking - Recipes. No claim on how good/bad they are.
- Patrol Box plans - Construction details for building a patrol box. There are lots of different varieties of patrol boxes, this is just one.
- Colorado BSA Health Form - a health form is needed for each youth and adult that goes on campouts. This is almost certainly out-dated.
- Tour Permit - A tour permit used to be required for every outing that a group did. The rules recently changed, but here is the form in case you need it.
- Ceremonies
- Bridging - Cross Over The Bridge Ceremony - A nice little bridging ceremony.
- Clip Art
- Clip Art - A large (1000+) collection of scouting related clip art. If the link doesn't download the file right-click and choose "Save link as..."
- Crafts
- Woggle Neckerchief Slide - Instructions on how to make a woggle neckerchief slide. You'll need to modify it based on the thickness of rope you're using.
- Misc
- Parent Orientation Letter - A letter/packet I give to all parents when their son joins the program. A lot of the content is specific to my program, but you may find a use for it.
- Planning
- Faith In God - 11 Year Old Scouts Requirements Correlation - A breakdown of how the requirements for Faith in God can be met by some of the requirements covered in 11 year old Scouts.
- First Year - First Class Program - A program breakdown that outlines meetings and teaching plans for most all of the requirements covered up through First Class.
- Rank-Oriented Plan - A program plan that breaks down requirements with the goal of earning ranks in order. (Contrast with the "Theme-Oriented Plan" below.)
- Requirement Matrix - A break-down of how the various rank requirements slot into common topics/themes.
- Sample Calendar - A sample program calendar.
- Theme-Oriented Plan - A program plan that breaks down requirements into themes and teaches them accordingly. For example, even though all ranks have first-aid requirements all first-aid related items are collected into one block of meetings.
- Reference
- Duty to God - Deacon - the older Duty to God handbook.
- Duty to God - Priest - the older Duty to God handbook.
- Duty to God - Teacher - the older Duty to God handbook.
- Uniform Guide - Adult leader uniform inspection guide.
- Teaching Materials
- First Aid
- Aurora Medical Team - First Aid MB slides - Slides from a first-aid merit badge class taught by the Aurora Medical Team
- CPR Steps - A visual aid outlining CPR steps
- First Aid Baseball Cards - cards for running First Aid baseball.
- First Aid Steps Cards - A flash card-type presentation of first aid steps.
- First Aid Workbook - the First Aid Merit Badge workbook from I'd recommend just going to their site and grabbing the latest one, but here's this one for your reference.
- Home First Aid Kit Contents - A picture diagram of what should go in a home first aid kit.
- Merit Badges
- Aviation Merit Badge Complete Guide - An instruction guide for Aviation merit badge. Most everything is covered and explained.
- Chemistry Merit Badge - Requirements and answers for some of the requirements in Chemistry Merit Badge.
- Family Life Merit Badge Workbook - the Family Lift Merit Badge workbook from I'd recommend just going to their site and grabbing the latest one, but here's this one for your reference.
- Misc
- Firem'n Chit Test - A test to use as part of teaching Firem'n Chit.
- Patrol Emblems Sheet - A sheet of all of the patrol medallions that you can buy from the Scout shop. I use this to help the Scouts pick patrol names. They don't have to use something off this sheet, it's just something to help them get started.
- Scout Badge - A visual aid for teaching the parts of the Scout Badge.
- Nature
- Animal Tracks - A visual aid for teaching about animal tracks.
- Plant And Animal Identification worksheet - A visual aid for teaching plant and animal identification. Meant to be paired with the next document on the list.
- Plant And Animal Identification Cards - After using the previous document above to teach plant and animal identification I use these cards as an exercise to match the names with the right pictures.
- Poison Plant Test - A test for identifying poisonous plants.
- Orienteering
- Contour Lines - A visual aid for teaching about contour lines.
- Map Symbols - A worksheet for teaching map symbols.
- Topographic Map - A visual aid for teaching about topographic maps.
- Water Sports
- Safe Swim Defense - A packet for teaching about swimming safety. Don't teach all of the nitty gritty details in here. You'll bore the Scouts to tears. Just teach the main points outlined in the front.
- Safety Afloat - A packet for teaching about boating safety.
- First Aid
- Tracking
- Individual Progress Tracking - A spreadsheet for tracking Scouts' progress on completing the requirements up through First Class. If the link doesn't download the file right-click and choose "Save link as..."
- Troop Activity Roster - A little workbook to take to meetings to use to quickly track what requirements were worked on and who was there.
- Training
- 11 Year Old Scout Leader Training - A document I put together to do a training at a Little Philmont in my Stake.
- Ward Scout - A document that includes all sorts of information about the Scouting program in the Ward.
- Ward Varsity - A document that includes all sorts of information about the Varsity program in the Ward.
- Ward Venturer - A document that includes all sorts of information about the Venturing program in the Ward.