

This is a collection of resources I have gathered over the years. Some things are written by me, but most are not. I make no claims of authorship or ownership. Also, I give complete permission for someone to take and modify the things I did write. I just ask that you also don't claim ownership if you use my stuff.

NOTE: Some requirements-related items may be out-dated. Always check the latest requirements.

  • Campfire Program Content
    • Scout Jokes - A list of short one-liners and fillers suitable for use in a campfire program.
    • Scout Skits - 60 pages of skits. Definitely worth grabbing this one.
    • Scout Songs - Approx. 25 songs that I use to start my meetings. I do that because the songs are fun and silly and also to have us prepared if we're ever asked to lead a song at a campfire program.
  • Camping
    • Camp Cooking - Recipes. No claim on how good/bad they are.
    • Camp Cooking - Dessert Recipes - Recipes. No claim on how good/bad they are.
    • Camp Cooking - Recipes. No claim on how good/bad they are.
    • Patrol Box plans - Construction details for building a patrol box. There are lots of different varieties of patrol boxes, this is just one.
    • Colorado BSA Health Form - a health form is needed for each youth and adult that goes on campouts. This is almost certainly out-dated.
    • Tour Permit - A tour permit used to be required for every outing that a group did. The rules recently changed, but here is the form in case you need it.
  • Ceremonies
  • Clip Art
    • Clip Art - A large (1000+) collection of scouting related clip art. If the link doesn't download the file right-click and choose "Save link as..."
  • Crafts
    • Woggle Neckerchief Slide - Instructions on how to make a woggle neckerchief slide. You'll need to modify it based on the thickness of rope you're using.
  • Misc
    • Parent Orientation Letter - A letter/packet I give to all parents when their son joins the program. A lot of the content is specific to my program, but you may find a use for it.
  • Planning
    • Faith In God - 11 Year Old Scouts Requirements Correlation - A breakdown of how the requirements for Faith in God can be met by some of the requirements covered in 11 year old Scouts.
    • First Year - First Class Program - A program breakdown that outlines meetings and teaching plans for most all of the requirements covered up through First Class.
    • Rank-Oriented Plan - A program plan that breaks down requirements with the goal of earning ranks in order. (Contrast with the "Theme-Oriented Plan" below.)
    • Requirement Matrix - A break-down of how the various rank requirements slot into common topics/themes.
    • Sample Calendar - A sample program calendar.
    • Theme-Oriented Plan - A program plan that breaks down requirements into themes and teaches them accordingly. For example, even though all ranks have first-aid requirements all first-aid related items are collected into one block of meetings.
  • Reference
  • Teaching Materials
  • Tracking
    • Individual Progress Tracking - A spreadsheet for tracking Scouts' progress on completing the requirements up through First Class. If the link doesn't download the file right-click and choose "Save link as..."
    • Troop Activity Roster - A little workbook to take to meetings to use to quickly track what requirements were worked on and who was there.
  • Training
    • 11 Year Old Scout Leader Training - A document I put together to do a training at a Little Philmont in my Stake.
    • Ward Scout - A document that includes all sorts of information about the Scouting program in the Ward.
    • Ward Varsity - A document that includes all sorts of information about the Varsity program in the Ward.
    • Ward Venturer - A document that includes all sorts of information about the Venturing program in the Ward.
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